Hello Delaware Headwaters Parish! I would like to take to briefly introduce myself and my family to you! My name is Pastor Paul Moller. I live in East Meredith with my wife Amanda and our daughters, Olivia & Seraphina. I am a graduate of the Alliance Theological Seminary at Nyack College, with a Master's Degree in Professional Studies. I have been working with the United Methodist church for a few years, and this is my second appointment. I have worked with a variety of churches such as Andes, Conesville, Prattsville and Jefferson UM Churches, as well as Delhi Alliance Church and South Kortright Community Church. Both Amanda I are local graduates, with me graduating from Jefferson and Amanda from South Kortright. I am appointed as a quarter time pastor for the DHP. I also am currently employed full time as a custodian at Charlotte Valley Central School, where I work evenings during the school year and days during the summer.
My family and I enjoy serving in and building relationships with the communities that make up the Delaware Headwaters Parish! It is great to get to know and learn about the four unique churches in our parish and serve in the pulpit of all four churches. These very unique congregations are each a blessing to the kingdom of God in themselves.